Welcome to the website of Shu-Hsien Chu. I am currently a software engineer at Intel focusing on tool development for silicon design automation and validation. My professional area includes signal (image) processing, machine learning, deep learning, mathematical programming, numerical computation, and parallel computing. I was granted with PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering by University of Minnesota under the supervision of Prof. Keshab K. Parhi and Prof. Christophe Lenglet, master and bachelor degrees in applied mathematics, and electrical engineering by National Cheng Kung University. My interest includes optimization theory, brain imaging applications , and development of advanced metrology tools.
Network Structure, Modeling, and Properties for Complex Systems (2024, NCKU)
EE3101 Signals, Circuits and Electronics Laboratory (2013-2018, UMN)
Journal Publications
S, Chu, K.K. Parhi, M. Westlund Schreiner, C. Lenglet, B. Mueller, B. Klimes-Dougan, K. Cullen, “Effect of SSRIs on Resting-State Functional Brain Networks in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder” Journal Clinical Medicine 10.19 (2021): 4322.
B Sen, S. Chu, K.K. Parhi, “Ranking Regions, Edges and Classifying Tasks in Functional Brain Graphs by Sub-Graph Entropy” Scientific Reports 9.1 (2019), 7628.
S. Chu, K.K. Parhi, and C. Lenglet, “Function-specific and Enhanced Brain Structural Connectivity Mapping via Joint Modeling of Diffusion and Functional MRI” Scientific Reports 8.1 (2018): 4741. [Software: BNIF]
W. Kuo and S. Chu, “Energy Efficiency Optimization for Mobile AD HOC Networks.” IEEE Access Vol. 4, pp. 928-940, 2016.
Conference Publications
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, M.W. Schreiner, B. Klimes-Dougan, K.R. Cullen, and K.K. Parhi, "Altered Structural Connection Between Hippocampus and Insula in Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder using DTI," 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 28-Oct. 31, 2018
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, M.W. Schreiner, B. Klimes-Dougan, K.R. Cullen, and K.K. Parhi, "Classifying Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder using Linear SVM with Anatomical Features from Diffusion Weighted Imaging," 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 28-Oct. 31, 2018
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, M.W. Schreiner, B. Klimes-Dougan, K.R. Cullen and K.K. Parhi, “Anatomical Biomarkers for Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder from Diffusion Weighted Imaging using SVM Classifier,” Proc. of 2018 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) pp. 2740-2743, July 2018, Hawaii
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, M.W. Schreiner, B. Klimes-Dougan, K.R. Cullen and K.K. Parhi, “Classifying Treated vs. Untreated MDD Adolescents from Anatomical Connectivity using Nonlinear SVM,” Proc. of 2018 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) pp. 1-4, July 2018, Hawaii
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, M.W. Schreiner, B. Klimes-Dougan, K.R. Cullen and K.K. Parhi, “Biomarkers for Adolescent MDD from Anatomical Connectivity and Network Topology Using Diffusion MRI,” Proc. of 2018 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) pp. 1152-1155, July 2018, Hawaii
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, and K.K. Parhi, “Joint Brain Connectivity Estimation from Diffusion and Functional MRI Data.” Proc. of 2015 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Vol. 9413, pp. 941321:1-13, Feb. 2015, Orlando, FL
S. Chu, M. Hong, K. Fitz, M. McKinney, Z. Tao, and Z. Luo, “Derivative-free Optimization of Hearing Aid Parameters,”Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 393-397, May 2013, Vancouver, Canada
Conference Abstracts (Without Proceedings)
S. Chu, B. Klimes-Dougan, K. K. Parhi, M. W. Schreiner, K. Cullen, “Brain Connectivity Correlates with Antidepressant Treatment Response in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder,” Poster presented at the 2018 Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biannual Meeting, Apr. 12-14, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA
S. Chu, K.K. Parhi and C. Lenglet, “Joint Brain Connectivity Estimation from Diffusion and Functional MRI Using a Network Flow Model,” Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May 30-June 5, 2015, Toronto, Canada
S. Chu, C. Lenglet, and K.K. Parhi, “Joint Brain Connectivity Estimation from Diffusion and Functional MRI Using a Network Flow Model,” Poster presented at 2014 IEEE EMBS BRAIN Grand Challenges Conference, Nov. 2014, Washington, D.C.